Dogs (and other small animals)
The Dog Osteopath provides rehabilitation, conditioning, and osteopathic services for dogs. The goal of treatment is to improve mobility, performance, recovery, and comfort in dogs with musculoskeletal injuries and pain.
We will instead work in close conjunction with the regular vet to ensure animals receive the best care possible.
Rachel Mahoney provides treatment services for dogs and other small animals at our clinic in the Southern Highlands.

The Referral Process
While a direct veterinary referral is not required, we aim to work closely with vets in the local area, particularly those with an interest in orthopedics and neurology. If you would like to refer cases to The Dog Osteopath then please get in contact with us.
Throughout the process, we will continue to communicate closely with you regarding the patient’s treatment and rehabilitation plan.
The Treatment Process
On the dog’s initial visit, a thorough assessment will be performed, and combined with the case history and any information provided in the veterinary referral, an ongoing plan will then be developed.
Treatment includes ‘hands-on’ therapies such as massage, soft tissue mobilisation, joint articulation, indirect techniques, and manipulation as well as laser therapy and dry needling as required. An exercise program will also be developed so that the owner is able to continue the rehabilitation at home. Owner education is a crucial part of the rehabilitation process.
What Patients Are Suitable For Referral?
- Post orthopaedic surgery – cruciate surgery (TPLO, Extracapsular repair, TTA), luxating patella surgery, FHO, fracture repair
- Osteoarthritis and loss of condition in older dogs
- Non-surgical lameness – muscle and tendon injuries, poor anesthetic candidates
- Neurological conditions – IVDD, vestibular disease, degenerative myelopathy, trauma
- Hereditary conditions – elbow dysplasia, hip dysplasia
- Weight loss
- Maintenance & fitness for show, sport, and working dogs as well as pet dogs
When Should Treatment Commence?
Dog’s should commence treatment as soon as medically possible after the injury to limit pain, inflammation, joint stiffness and prevent secondary complications associated with lameness and immobilisation. Treatment is targeted towards the needs of the patient and initial treatments may be focussed on pain management strategies prior to moving on to strengthening and stretching to regain normal function.
For maintenance or treatment of chronic conditions, treatment intervals will occur on a semi-regular basis depending on the needs of the dog. Dogs tend to respond well to treatment so they commonly occur approximately four-six weeks apart.
If you would like further information or would like to discuss the suitability of a case, please don’t hesitate to contact The Dog Osteopath.
Please let your client know they will need to complete a New Patient Registration Form prior to coming to their initial appointment.
Equine services are provided by Brooke Davis. These sessions occur off-site. If you would like more information please read our ‘Equine Services‘ page.