What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is based on the philosophy that illness is caused by an imbalance of vital energies in the body. Acupuncture focuses on restoring energy balance and promoting healing.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles at specified points where nerves and blood vessels converge. These points are located in sites called meridians, which are energy channels that transmit energy throughout the body.
The acupuncture needles guide energy (‘chi’) along the meridians, which enhances blood circulation and improves healing ability. Acupuncture also stimulates the nervous system and increases the release of anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving substances to reduce discomfort.
Who Can Benefit From Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is used to treat a wide range of health conditions in both people and dogs. Though, the majority of canine patients use acupuncture to treat musculoskeletal problems including:
- Arthritis
- Chronic pain
- Spinal or neurological conditions
- Back and neck pain
- Poor mobility
Acupuncture can also be used to:
- Promote fertility and reproduction.
- Boost immunity.
- Assist with the function of organs like the kidneys, liver, and digestive system.
- In conjunction diet and lifestyle changes, beneficial for weight loss, itchy skin, and other allergies.
- Help patients undergoing treatment for cancer and as a part of a palliative care plan for those suffering from a terminal illness.
Introducing Rae Hennessy from Acupets:
Animal health and traditional Chinese therapies are Rae’s passions and drove her to gain the necessary qualifications to practice acupuncture and acupressure and to treat animals whether it is through massage or herbal remedies.
Rae has a Master’s degree in Health Science and specialised in acupuncture at the Bachelor level of her degree. Animal health is what Rae knows and it is what she is good at. She has been treating animals over the past 20 years.
How Does Acupuncture Work At The Dog Osteopath?
Acupuncture can be used as a standalone therapy or as part of a team approach. At The Dog Osteopath, we have a qualified Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist as part of our team; Rae Hennessy from Acupets.
Rae has a mobile practice and dog owners are able to self-refer. Your regular vet can also directly refer you to Rae for acupuncture. Rae will communicate with your dog’s vet about their current health problems and treatment plan.
Contact us if you would like to book an appointment.